Open Road Press

Hope Is Not Free


TheHopeLine sign on Tim's pannierDebbie and I have been busy poring over several thousand photos and nearly 100 blog posts. We’re assembling some “best of” highlights for you to enjoy. And we’ll soon be asking you to vote on your favorites to help determine “the best of the best.”

While the beautiful scenery and touching stories of TheHopeLine Tour are free to those who choose to enjoy them, the cost of hope for countless youth is not free. Sure, it’s free to the young people who call or chat in to TheHopeLine, but someone has to pay for the service.

Many of you have already given, generously and sacrificially. We’re truly grateful. Your kindness is making a real difference in the lives of young people. However, many others have not yet pledged support. You may be one of those people.

No Free Lunch

TheHopeLine is funded entirely by private dollars. Consequently, they don’t have overreaching government regulations tied to government dollars impeding the effective model of support and intervention that has transformed the lives of so many teenagers and young adults over the years. In 2013 alone, TheHopeLine intervened in the lives of over 3,000 youth who were struggling with suicidal thoughts. Many others are being set free from addictions. Yet others are finding life-changing strategies to cope with the consequences of the poor decisions they have made.

TheHopeLine reaches these youth through effective radio and Internet content, and only through the presence of God’s Spirit. God’s power is free to anyone who asks for it. The radio and Internet content and its delivery, however, are not free.

Unique Window of Opportunity

If you are considering a donation to TheHopeLine–and we hope that you are–there’s great news. A faithful donor of TheHopeLine has just stepped up and offered an extremely generous amount of support contingent upon the participation of others such as you.

That donor, a Midwest dairy farmer, has laid $100,000 on the table in the form of a matching challenge. So, from November 1 until December 31, 2014, if you choose to donate to TheHopeLine, your gift will effectively be doubled. It will have twice the impact to change lives for the better. For example, if you donate $100, the dairy farmer will donate $100 to match your gift.

Recent Success Story

Many teens and young adults who turn to TheHopeLine do so because they know of nowhere else to turn. There they sit, with computer or smart phone in hand. They open a browser window and type in something such as a 15-year-old girl did just after I returned home from TheHopeLine Tour. Here’s what she googled:

“I need a Counselor online.”

She was being abused at home and bullied at school. A counselor wasn’t really helping her and school administrators were ignoring her claims of being bullied. And, she was struggling with suicidal thoughts. She didn’t know where to turn, yet she knew she needed help. Then, she found TheHopeLine. Ninety minutes after we connected, this is what she wrote:

“This may sound odd, but I have more colors in me now than an hour ago…. I feel very happy, I [have] never been this happy since, I don’t know. Like pure joy. I mean someone that cares, watching over me. Like the emotions I have as if I was a young tod…. I feel better…. Thank you so much…. I feel that I can rest in peace…. I love that you helped me so much and that I will never forget you…. I’m happier than ever.”

We provided some follow-up resources for her and sent her away into the night with a renewed mind and fresh strategies to help her through her crisis. She had the hope and the confidence she needed to carry on. Where would she be now if TheHopeLine hadn’t been there for her? And, by the way, we reported the abuse and the bullying to the appropriate authorities.

Helping Others in Need

Without generous private donors funding TheHopeLine, people such as this young lady would not find hope. The cost of hope is not free. It takes the generosity and kindness of people like you to keep it flowing.

Although volunteer coaches like Debbie and me are not paid, there are phone lines, equipment, support software, and support staff to pay for, staff that could be making more money for comparable services in the for-profit realm. They are sacrificing for the benefit of young people in need because they strongly believe in what they are doing. We’re asking you to make a similar sacrifice for the benefit of those same teens and young adults.

We’ve prepared a web page that explains why TheHopeLine is worthy of your support. Click here to learn more. If you would like to pledge your support now, please go to our pledge form by clicking here. A 13 to 29-year-old whose life is hanging in the balance will be most grateful that you did. And you’ll have the satisfaction of knowing that you made a difference.

If you have already pledged support, please share this post with contacts who you think may be interested. Thank you.

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