Open Road Press

Ten Thanksgiving Offerings of the Bicycle Tourist

Thanksgiving is a great holiday. It’s a time to gather with family and to reflect on God’s goodness and gifts. What are you thankful for? Here are some Thanksgiving offerings from a bicycle tourst perspective.

1. I’m glad I have extra time on my hands. Not everyone has the time to ride a bicycle every day of the summer, all day long.

2. We’ve had a good couple of days with animals. The bears left us alone again last night at the campsite. The last few rattlers we’ve seen were laid out in the road flatter than pancakes. And that snarling dog yesterday may have had a long leash, but he had one nonetheless.

3. After another 90-mile day, it’s great to be in a motel with a hot shower and a comfortable bed.

4. The traffic was forgiving again today. Motorists seem to respect the wide profile of my fully loaded bicycle. I feel safer when I’m loaded down, so I guess I can be thankful for my heavy load, too.

5. The road ahead is straight, flat, and smooth. It doesn’t get any better than this! I love smooth sailing on the open road.

6. Thanks to that passing motorist who agreed to fill my water jug and set it on the side of the barren stretch of road miles ahead, where it awaits to quench my thirst when I need it the most.

7. With two sets of clothes, I’ll always have another set to wear tomorrow!

8. I’m so thankful for synthetics. They come in several forms on our tour. Synthetic food and drink, like Power Bars, Clif Bars, Gatorade, and Powerade, give me a real boost in drive-through, instant gratification fashion. These synthetic clothes really dry fast. One manufacturer claims I can wear its underwear for 17 consecutive days without having to commercially launder it. That’s a luxury in our world! And “plastic cash” rocks! You can travel without cash and never run out of it. And when you get home, you’ll know where you’ve been and how much you’ve spent. We’ll be earning some serious points on this tour!

9. Bicycle technology is more reliable than it once was. There’s no warped wheel or broken cables on this tour. I can hit all my gears and I can even slow the bike when I’m coasting down steep grades.

10. We’re so glad that God came along for the ride. He speaks to us through Gideon Bibles each evening, warms us with His glorious sunshine every day, conducts family meetings on the route each Sunday, and protects us everywhere we go. He even sends Good Samaritans just to check on us.

But mostly, I’m thankful for a special companion, one who tours with me whether I’m on my bicycle or not. We play, work, and love together. No tour of any kind would be the same without her.

Debbie and I wish you and your family a Happy Thanksgiving. Enjoy the time with loved ones while you still have them.

One thought on “Ten Thanksgiving Offerings of the Bicycle Tourist

  1. Nancy Downey

    Hi Tim -enjoyed these reasons to be thankful. I am more than thankful for you and Debbie and of course the rest of my wonderful family. Love, Nancy

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