Open Road Press

Metaphors in Motion

metaphorscover_300x450Lessons about life explode when you separate from the routine, jump on a bicycle, and head to parts unknown. Truth blares at you with such high volume that you begin to think of these revelations as “rolling metaphors” on life. When Debbie and I returned home from our third tour, we had ridden through so many special moments that we knew we had to share them.

Content Overload

Earlier this month, we announced the release of Wheels of Wisdom: Life Lessons for the Restless Spirit. While that book is chock full of learning experiences and the wisdom nuggets that come with them, we simply couldn’t fit all of our treasures in one book. Our editors urged us to pare down the book’s size. Yet they stopped short of suggesting which lessons to eliminate. “They’re all good,” they said.

Some of the lessons in the preliminary manuscript arose in the same setting or conveyed similar principles. To eliminate redundancy, we decided to move eight of them to a small e-book so that readers can taste the same type of inspiration they will find in Wheels of Wisdom. We call this e-book Metaphors in Motion: Wisdom from the Open Road.

The lessons in Metaphors in Motion are not second-rate content. They are fully edited, and our early reviewers rated them comparable to the lessons in Wheels of Wisdom. They merely fit better in Metaphors in Motion.

Every Book Needs a Foreword

A book foreword enables a publisher to tell readers about the book or the author(s) from a third-party perspective. It’s an opportunity to develop context for the reader. What better way for Debbie and me to share the perspective of strangers whom we encounter on the road than to ask one of them to help us introduce this book?

In September 2014 on TheHopeLine Tour, we entered Back from the Past Bicycles in Marshall, Missouri, with a brake problem. We left with not only an excellent repair job but also a revised route. Unbeknownst to us, a bridge outage was lurking ahead. The shop owner who bailed us out of trouble was Tom Nenadal, a kindred spirit who earned the nickname “Bike Shop Angel” in our blog post back then.

During the publication process of Metaphors in Motion, I contacted Tom and asked him what he was thinking when we walked through his door. After he told me, I thought, Yes, this is what people should hear. His reaction now appears as the foreword to Metaphors in Motion. We’re grateful he was willing to share so openly.

Where to Obtain a Copy

We’ve made our other e-books available in various formats on multiple websites, including our own. However, this time, we’re trying a different approach. Because Metaphors in Motion is a sampler–one we might like to give away from time to time–we decided to register it into Amazon’s Kindle Select program. This program will allow us to offer the book for free on a limited numbers of days each quarter. Publishers use giveaway programs like this for marketing purposes, to broaden their reader base and make more money on their other titles.

Here is our Amazon affiliate marketing link to Metaphors in Motion: Wisdom from the Open Road. We’re offering it for free this Saturday, October 22, 2016. Please take advantage of this offer and download the book on Saturday. We hope you enjoy it. If, after reading it, you feel your thoughts would help others decide whether to buy Metaphors in Motion, we would be grateful if you left an honest and fair review on

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