Open Road Press

Louisville Suburbs in Indiana

September 23, Day 83 of TheHopeLine Tour of 2014

Leaving Kentucky

We had mixed feelings about leaving Kentucky. The people have been so friendly and supportive. Yet, we know we must move on, and it is only for a time as we return to Kentucky after we make our way around Louisville.

The Ohio River at Brandenburg KentuckyFirst up was the bridge over the Ohio River. On a crisp, clear morning, the sun glistened and danced on the water as we looked upstream. The river was surrounded by full, end-of-summer greenery. We stopped atop the bridge for shots in both directions. The Ohio looks quite large to us, even though we are well upstream from where it dumps into the Mississippi River. Once over the bridge and onto the other side, Indiana, our 12th state, greeted us with its sign.

Entering IndianaWe soon left the main road to a more rural setting, whereupon Debbie became enamored with a donkey grazing in a meadow. We stopped so she could enjoy the moment, which meant I would enjoy the moment, too. As we headed farther down the road, we discovered that we had traded busy traffic for bothersome dogs. We were barked at and chased repeatedly. My whistle returned to action to ward off the aggressive mutts.

Deb with DonkeyThe riding today was comfortable, despite wind resistance and ample hills. We enjoyed returning to the road after a rest day. Fall was in the air. We could feel it, and we now could see it. Our first significant sighting of leaves turning reminded us that summer has gone.

Media Coverage

We rolled into New Albany in mid-afternoon just in time for a media interview. A riverfront park was a prime spot to take a break from riding and dial up Sean Herriott, who interviewed us during our virtual book tour last year. On the other side of the river was Louisville. A bridge depositing interstate traffic there was just a quarter mile upstream. Yet, we were in a tranquil setting and relived pieces of this trip as well as our first trip in 2010, as Sean peppered us with questions for 30 minutes. We had ample opportunity to share information and anecdotes about TheHopeLine, and we took full advantage. You can listen to his entire podcast by clicking here.

After completing this interview, we called WAVE3, the NBC affiliate in the Louisville market. They had responded to a news release that we sent them on Monday. The logistics were not favorable, and a possible story with us was deferred to the night crew, or tomorrow morning if we are still in their coverage area and don’t get bumped by breaking news. We would take care of the “staying within their coverage area” part. Time will tell whether we get bumped.

The Big City

Mural in JeffersonvilleThe remainder of the day was filled with some urban riding. We rode through New Albany and into Clarksville and Jeffersonville, all Louisville suburbs on the Indiana side of the Ohio River. Once on the waterfront in Jeffersonville, we were wowed by the Louisville skyline from across the river. There’s nothing quite like large buildings to remind you of the size of your surroundings. When our gawking subsided, we noticed some impressive murals painted on a concrete wall. I’ve included a shot of one of the murals to give you a taste.

A 63-mile day after a rest day, with an interview included, was satisfying. We will see what is on tap for tomorrow. We’ll anticipate a wake-up call from Channel 3!

One thought on “Louisville Suburbs in Indiana

  1. Jim Burns

    Hey Tim and Deb,
    Into another state already. It’s hard keeping track of you folks. I don’t know, Tim, I’m thinking the donkey is paying pretty strict attention to whatever Deb is instructing him on. Hard to say from the expression whether he approves or not.
    Stay safe, be well, and good traveling…Jim

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