Open Road Press

Best Photos from TheHopeLine Tour

Below are the 25 best photos presented in chronological order. Click on photos to enlarge them. Vote for your favorites in the poll at the bottom of the page.

To see the best blog posts from TheHopeLine Tour of 2014, click here.

1. The McKenzie River in Oregon
McKenzie River

1. McKenzie River

2. The spectacle upon leaving Ochoco National Forest in central Oregon
The Spectacle of the High Desert

2. Spectacle

3. Dropping into the high desert west of Mitchell, Oregon
The Descent into Mitchell

3. High desert

4. Eastern Oregon shed

Eastern Oregon

4. Shed

5. Suede hills in Eastern Oregon

Velvet Hills in Eastern Oregon
5. Suede hills

6. Reservoir on the Snake River in Idaho

Reservoir on Snake River in Idaho

6. Snake River

7. Climbing White Bird Hill in Idaho

Deb Climbing White Bird Hill

7. White Bird

8. Continental Divide just ahead

Continental Divide Just ahead

8. Continental Divide

9. Montana Route 1 around Georgetown Lake

Montana Route 1 around Georgetown Lake

9. Route 1

10. Old Convict Grade Road in Montana

Deb on seemingly endless gravel road

10. Convict Grade Road

11. Yellowstone River in Montana

Yellowstone River in Montana

11. Yellowstone River

12. Wyoming pronghorns eavesdropping on Debbie’s cellphone call

Pronghorns eavesdropping on Debbie's phonecall

12. Pronghorns

13. West of Ten Sleep, Wyoming

Cycling to meet the Bighorns in Wyoming

13. Ten Sleep

14. West of Bighorn National Forest in Wyoming

Tim in Wyoming

14. Bighorn

15. George Washington at Mount Rushmore

George Washington's Profile

15. Mount Rushmore

16. The Badlands in South Dakota

from Badlands National Park

16. Badlands

17. Fields in South Dakota

Deb in South Dakota

17. Fields

18. Amber waves of grain in South Dakota

Amber Waves of Grain

18. Amber waves

19. Steamboat Trace Trail bridge in Nebraska

Deb on Steamboat Trace Trail bridge

19. Steamboat Trace

20. The Katy Trail in Missouri

Deb on the Katy Trail

20. Katy Trail

21. Ribbon road in southeastern Missouri

Ribbon road

21. Ribbon road

22. Farmland in Kentucky

The Scene of the Crime

22. Farmland

23. Pals out for an early evening trot in Ohio

Ohio pals

23. Pals

24. One long, straight road in Ohio

Tim in Ohio

24. Long road

25. Foliage in northern Pennsylvania

Pennsylvania in October

25. Foliage

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To see the best blog posts from TheHopeLine Tour of 2014, click here.

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