Open Road Press

Green Pastures and Still Waters July 31

In this post, we’re giving you a flavor of the co-authoring perspective used in our upcoming book, Two Are Better: Mid-Life Newlyweds Bicycle Coast to Coast. Debbie’s comments will appear in italics and mine in regular font. We hope you enjoy it.

Today was a significant day. Thanks to our 91-mile output, we estimate we have made it halfway on our Mom-to-Mom tour. We also entered another state–this time Virginia. Seeing progress like this encourages us that we are capable of finishing.

We were definitely more energetic today after getting more sleep. Adequate sleep is an important aspect for success in life. On a bicycle tour, getting enough sleep can be a challenge. After nine and a half hours of it last night, I felt great–good for body, mind, and attitude!

After leaving Plymouth, North Carolina, this morning, we rode over one lengthy bridge that crossed several bodies of water: the Chowan River, the Cashie River, and the Middle Roanoke River. The bridge was another testament to human ingenuity. It was amazing to ride over these three stagnant rivers. The cars and trucks that joined us on the bridges were driving about 55 mph while the dark water right below us was so calm, wide, and still. Water, like humans, needs to move to be healthy. If water is stagnant, it is not thriving—and does not promote life. Microorganisms can begin to compromise the water’s quality.

While cycling today, I was reminded that Psalm 23 mentions still waters, as well as green pastures.

The LORD is my shepherd, I lack nothing.
He makes me lie down in green pastures,
he leads me beside quiet waters.

We passed both still waters and green pastures. Although, we didn’t do much lying down in the green pastures, it always comforts me to remember Scripture verses as I bike.

I couldn’t resist photographing this “Dead End” sign in front of a tobacco field. Is there a subliminal message? And why is there an arrow pointing someone to a dead end?

Midway through a day with billowy cloud-filled skies, we stopped for lunch in Gatesville. There weren’t many services on today’s map, but we were most thankful we had found this one. The food was great, and the owner was most interested in our ride and our safety. He suggested a route that would shorten our day, which we expected to be well over 100 miles to make it to a motel. I was a bit skeptical that his recommendations would be on roads with too much traffic. In fact, we had decided earlier in the day to stick to the bicycle map route in spite of the fact it added at least 15 miles to our trip. We made this decision to avoid a road with small shoulders and much traffic, including many trucks. But the restaurant owner was persistent, so after discussing the routes, he gave us one that shortened our day by at least 10 miles while keeping us on low trafficked roads. Wow! Was that ever a blessing! The last hour of our day was under dark and threatening skies. Once we reached the motel, the rain came. Had we not received his handwritten shortcut, we would have been drenched and lost another hour of time.

At the risk of sounding like the late Andy Rooney, I’ve noticed that many people in these parts like to post “Private Property” signs on their personal residence lot. I’ve never seen this done so much. I got to thinking about this practice. Why would they do this? Isn’t it rather obvious that a personal residence would be located on private property? Perhaps it is a statement for people not to bother them. Or perhaps they are affirming their right to own property. If any of you have any thoughts, I would love to hear them.

3 thoughts on “Green Pastures and Still Waters July 31

  1. Kathy

    good morning! I can see that you are still enjoying the crepe myrtles! We thought you were past the halfway mark a few days ago. Glad to hear that the locals are helping you along the way. It’s that Southern hospitality that we’ve grown to love. Take care as you head toward the busier areas.

  2. elizabeth deitz smith

    I just found your blog and am so happy I did! I can’t wait till your book is available. I gobble up these sorts of books. But you obviously are adding something most other writers don’t – and that is the spiritual aspect of the journey. Thanks so much for doing that.

    1. Tim Bishop Post author

      Hi Elizabeth, and thanks for your encouraging comment. The designer is currently working on the interior layout of Two Are Better. We are targeting publication by Christmas. You can stay apprised of progress by subscribing on this website or by checking the Open Road Press facebook page. Safe travels!

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