Open Road Press

More Accolades for Wheels of Wisdom

2018 Next Generation Indie Book Award medalDebbie and I are pleased to announce that Wheels of Wisdom: Life Lessons for the Restless Spirit has been selected as the winner in Christian Nonfiction in the 2018 Next Generation Indie Book Awards contest. The book was also chosen as a finalist in Inspirational Nonfiction.

Last month, the e-book version of Wheels of Wisdom earned a bronze medal in the Adult Nonfiction Personal category of the Independent Publishers Book Awards contest, a so-called “IPPY Award.” IPPY e-book awardYou can learn more about these awards in our news release. If you are one of the many contributors on this project, thank you once again for your efforts, many of which were sacrificial. We’re very grateful. We couldn’t have produced a book of this quality without your help.

Please post a review

Now we need some more help! We’re on a campaign to try to increase the number of reviews posted to Amazon for Wheels of Wisdom. If you’ve read the book and you aren’t a family member or close friend, please go to this web link and leave your honest opinion of the book (assuming you have not already done so). It doesn’t need to be a long review to be helpful. Amazon discriminates when presenting books that match buyers’ search phrases. Pertinent books with many reviews will show up readily. However, a relevant book with few reviews will only show up on the nth page from the top. If a book does not have enough reviews, many potential buyers will not discover it.

While we’ll certainly appreciate if you only post your review to Amazon, feel free to also post it to any one of the following websites: Goodreads, Barnes & Noble, Apple Books, Google Books, Kobo Books, Adventure Cycling Association, and Library Thing. Thank you for your consideration.

Finally, please spread the word about the book awards Wheels of Wisdom has won. Consider passing your copy to someone else so he or she can read it. Or, share this blog post. We would love to see this book touch more lives.Next Generation Indie Book Award

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