Open Road Press

Brand New Day July 21

With grits for breakfast and riding alongside cotton and tobacco fields in the afternoon, we knew we had arrived in the South. Our feelings were substantiated at a convenience store along the way when an employee proclaimed we had arrived in “red neck country.” If there was a negative connotation to be derived from that comment, we did not experience it on the road. We were treated well on our long ride.

We met another adventure cyclist, named Steve, riding solo in the other direction. Steve started in Pennsylvania and was headed to St. Augustine. He had done much touring and was fitting a “short ride” into his vacation schedule. He prefers riding alone. We, however, are thankful we ride with one another.

Some people will do anything for a warm shower and comfortable bed. Add in close proximity to a church for a Sunday morning service, and Debbie and I had plenty of motivation for our first century of our touring experience. Statesboro, Georgia was the destination, 102 miles from our overnight stay in Waycross. What a rewarding feeling when we rolled into town with plenty of daylight to spare. We had met a goal not accomplished in our last tour.

The gloomy skies of yesterday were a distant memory. We bicycled for several hours after an earlier start. The early morning fog helped keep the riding cool. A favorable tailwind, clean roads, and little Saturday traffic made for productive and enjoyable riding through countless miles of pine tree stands. These well-aligned trees revealed that their deep roots were backed by a commercial interest, presumably the paper industry.

It is interesting how each day on a tour brings a brand new start. Thankfully, you can throw out what went before and start each day with a new goal and new frame of mind. Such is true with life itself. So resolve to make every day count as each is a gift.


One thought on “Brand New Day July 21

  1. Nancy Downey

    Hi Deb and Tim – sure enjoy your blogs and that you are having such a good trip. You are certainly admired by all of us “stay at homers” for your athletic prowess and perserverance. Stay safe – Love you, Mom

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