Open Road Press

Exercise over Luxury

August 12, Day 41 of TheHopeLine Tour of 2014

Leaving Murdo, South Dakota, after a rest day on Monday supercharged us for cycling up and down more of South Dakota’s rolling hills. We were moving east through tiny towns and farmland, cycling a frontage road paralleling I-90. Agriculture was evident everywhere we looked. Storage bins, processing plants, large equipment, and gargantuan fields were all around.

Chamberlain South DakotaChamberlain and a return to the Adventure Cycling Lewis and Clark Trail was our destination. We deviated from ACA maps in Missoula, Montana, their headquarters. But thanks to their tour director, he provided alternative routes to get us on the Lewis and Clark Trail.

Debbie in South DakotaThe terrain definitely has changed from the Northwest, and we have the feel of the central plains and Midwest with open space, lots of corn and cattle, and very low traffic. Thanks to our rest day, the 70 miles seemed easy, almost uneventful. Before we knew it, we rode into Oacoma, Chamberlain’s sister town on the west side of the Missouri River, and searched for accommodations.

Hotels and motels in this state are surprisingly expensive, at least along the I-90 corridor. In Murdo, Tim offered the hotel attendant a considerably lower price for two nights, and he accepted our offer. Tonight, however, camping was our best option. It didn’t look like there would be a mad dash for motel rooms in the Chamberlain area, but negotiating in the franchise motels does not work as well as privately owned ones. We opted to camp at a lovely campground in town.

Corn Anyone?I had a rare treat at the campground. Tim ran into a couple from Phoenix on his way to the shower who were staying at the campsite in their “coach.” They came over to me to pick up a card for our blog address. The man kept pointing to his coach so I asked to see it.

Oh my goodness! It was so hard to get into Big Agnes tonight after getting a tour of their home away from home—an RV with a king-sized bed, a fireplace, 1 ½ baths, washer/dryer, dishwasher, couch and chairs, 3 TVs, AC and a ceiling fan, and an adorable dog to go with them on their journey. We ride 8-14 miles per hour on our bikes; they get 8 miles per gallon of gas! I prefer our method of travel, but not our method of camping quarters. In life, however, there are always tradeoffs. I prefer exercise over luxury, but if I could have taken a nap on their couch, I would be a more rested camper…not just a happy one.

2 thoughts on “Exercise over Luxury

  1. Jim Burns

    Hey Tim and Deb,
    Sounds like the dynamic duo continues to march ever eastward. AND no further mention of another flat tire yet. Should not have said that without knocking on wood. (Knock, knock)
    Deb, sounds like the good folks from Phoenix were roughing it. Hard to deal with don’t you think? Amazing sometimes looking at what you can haul down the road. Absolutely great pics as always, guys. Love that field of corn.
    May you be well, stay safe and have good traveling…Jim

  2. Donna

    I have cleaned some of those RVs and always feel like it would be an amazing trip to take in one of those. Of course I would need a driver and lots of money. I think I would choose your type of travel since I would also need Dramamine! Love the pics. thanks!!

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