Open Road Press

Cycling through Our Nation’s Capital August 5

What an honor to live in the land of the free and the brave. The much anticipated day had arrived, and we certainly had to be brave to ride through Washington D.C. on our bicycles. Thankfully, our timing was good. We decided to travel on Sunday, expecting “less traffic.” Our capital, we would have to admit, is bicycle-friendly. There are many trails all around and through that city, making for more enjoyable urban travel. Actually, the Virginia portion of the bike path along the Potomac River was so secluded I didn’t even see Mt. Vernon! After biking through Fort Belvoir Army Base, we headed toward Mt. Vernon bike trail. It was very wooded, hilly, and especially windy! Despite the warm temperatures, fall was in the air. The Potomac River is extremely wide and was full of ships, sailboats and even some kayakers.

An acquaintance who we met in Richmond had warned us about the D.C. bike path near the airport, and mentioned how some people on the path don’t always pay attention. She said she was hit on her bike around the airport. We don’t remember if a car or another cyclist hit her, but we did heed her advice—although it may not seem that way in the video Tim shot of me on the trail.

Although we thoroughly enjoyed riding on the bike paths of Washington, D.C., we got lost or confused on several occasions and needed guidance from fellow cyclists or walkers on the trail. The many paths were not marked well, and twice we asked for help from a bicyclist who “just happened” to be going the same direction. Ominous skies once again appeared in the afternoon. We were in the vicinity of Georgetown, and looked north where dark clouds loomed. Of course, we had nowhere else to go, so we continued on the trail. Suddenly, a downpour erupted. Dense foliage on the bike path provided some protection as we hunted for our rain gear.

Arriving at our hotel room after 7:30 p.m., we pulled in alongside Tim’s brother, Steve who saw us wet and weary. It was comforting to see a kind and familiar face and be treated to a delicious seafood dinner—a wonderful ending to a multi-faceted day!

6 thoughts on “Cycling through Our Nation’s Capital August 5

  1. Chris Brown

    I have enjoyed catching up on your adventure. Some beautiful country out there.
    May God continue to bless you all along the way!

    1. Debbie Bishop Post author

      Hi Chris,
      It is amazing to witness His grace first hand everyday along the way. Enjoy the rest of your summer!


    Thanks for sharing the video, great job Tim! I was caught up in the beauty and serenity of the DC bike trail. Debbie, it was so enjoyable seeing you overtake those 4 bikers.. . on your Mercedes bikes. You are a constant inspiration, His grace is evident in all you do including the minor challenges along the way.
    God speed .. as He gently guides you home to MA. Proud of you!

  3. Steve Clark

    Hi Tim & Debbie. I watched your DC cycling videos. The Lincoln Memorial is nice. I have been there a couple of times. Both times it was much more crowded. The 2nd time I walked from the Capital Bldg to the Memorial with my son who was only eight and he complained every step of the way. FYI: The reflecting pool is very shallow and usually very dirty. Where else did you stop on the Mall? Too bad you missed Mt Vernon. It is one of the best places in the area. What is this about you two going across the country?

    1. Tim Bishop

      Hi Steve, we didn’t take the time to visit other places. One of the things about bicycle touring on a schedule is that you don’t have much time for sightseeing–at least sightseeing when off the bike! It is a trade-off we gladly accept. We ventured coast-to-coast in 2010 just after marrying. Check out our links page for that blog. Tim

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