People have asked, “Do you ever wake up and not want to get on your bike during your bike tour?” My usual answer would be, “NO!” But today was not one of those days. The pool outside the Comfort Inn…
Farewell to the Coast of Florida July 19
Another morning on the eastern coast of Florida brought another climb up a bridge with long views. This climb was again the highest climb of the entire day. A nice tailwind was also a pleasurable feature today. It may be…
Oceanside Riding July 18
A turtle sighting on our way to St. Augustine was a good reminder of a slower pace, and that is exactly what we experienced for the past few days…slow down, rest, write, and read. It was a great way to…
Rest and Recovery July 15
Balance is a key ingredient to life. And such is also the case with bicycle touring. Debbie and I are resting after an aggressive start to our bicycle tour of the Atlantic Coast. Somehow, the 54-year-old bodies do not adapt…
Nature’s Object Lessons July 14
Saturday’s cycling included a rich variety of experiences and thoughts as we biked in the heat of central Florida. For starters we can’t help but notice road kill. We have to watch out for it on the road every day!…