Open Road Press


Books by Tim and Debbie Bishop

Open Rod Press combo pack

Those looking for a road map for life can get directions from the Bishops…. The coauthors, who are volunteer coaches for TheHopeLine, share stories and insights cleverly separated into six thematic sections…. The book incorporates faith without unnecessary preaching. (For full review, click here.)

– Publishers Weekly free review of Wheels of Wisdom

Impressively well written, organized and presented, Wheels of Wisdom is a consistently compelling, informative, and thoughtful read, highlighted with inspirations for pursuing one’s goals to the finish. (For full review, click here.)

– Midwest Book Review, Small Press Bookwatch “Reviewers’ Choice”

… This is a book that will help readers shift their perspective, confront their fears and inner demons, face life with more courage and openness, and learn to enjoy the surprises that occasionally come their way. … Tim and Debbie Bishop make a beautiful offering that will enrich the lives of many. It is encouraging, inspiring, and uplifting. … (For full review, click here.)

– Ruffina Oserio, Readers’ Favorite free review of Wheels of Wisdom

Wheels of Wisdom by Tim and Debbie Bishop is a valuable tool for people who want to gain insight from a spiritual perspective that takes them outside of the ordinary. I am so glad that I had the opportunity to read it and highly recommend it to other restless spirits! (For full review, click here.)

– Paige Lovitt, Reader Views free review of Wheels of Wisdom

… This is a fun book as well as one that the reader can eagerly grow from as they read and make the journey alongside the Bishops. … (For full review, click here.)

– Darin Godby, Readers’ Favorite free review of Wheels of Wisdom

The core of this book is sound biblical thought, sound biblical principles in a very practical, experiential way that anyone can relate to. (For full interview, click here.)

– Rabbi Eric Walker, Author and Host of “Revealing the Truth” in his interview with Tim Bishop about Wheels of Wisdom

Tim and Debbie Bishop take Peter-Jenkins-Walk-Across-America style storytelling and combine it with old-fashioned wisdom to create a devotional that’s practical, entertaining, and biblical.

– Holland Webb, Freelance Writer on Wheels of Wisdom

I highly recommend this fascinating book. Tim and Debbie Bishop and their uncommon honeymoon experiences extend to us a hope of what’s possible when we refuse to lose hope, when we devote ourselves to love, giving it and receiving it, and when we invite God into our lives as our supreme guide and comforter. (For full review, click here.)

– Dr. Antonio Maurice Daniels, University of Wisconsin-Madison on Wheels of Wisdom

The entire chronicle is heart-warming, thought-provoking and inspirational. (For full review, click here.)

– Robbie Pink, Blogger and Book Reviewer on Wheels of Wisdom

This book was filled with great insights, inspiration and lessons. I appreciated the open and honest way things were presented. The practical, realistic approach made for a good read.

– Bob W., Amazon Verified Purchaser of Wheels of Wisdom

In a state of deep depression, God led me to this book. Not only did it inspire me, but it also gave me hope when there was none left. Light in my darkest moments. Thank you for your most respected and appreciated book! God Bless You most EXCEEDINGLY!!!!!

– Kindle Customer and Amazon Verified Purchaser of Wheels of Wisdom

This is a book you will enjoy reading. Take the time to think through what you are reading. … Reflect on your own experience and gain from that of the Bishops. Their insight will make the road you travel much less bumpy and a whole lot more enjoyable.

– Tom Law, author and book reviewer, on Wheels of Wisdom. Click here for full review.

Packed with zest, adventure, and love, Wheels of Wisdom offers an unusual combination of joyous living and an appeal to grab each moment and make it count. A great read for those who enjoy a virtual trip with some intriguing insights.

– Lisa Lickel, author of The Last Detail

I found myself pulled into the stories and jealous of the rich life lessons Tim and Debbie were experiencing. Seeing the beauty in nature, taking time to know our unique calling, asking for help, and being in a position to expect a miracle are things we often miss in our routine, safe lives. Wheels of Wisdom is a wonderful story of adventure, filled with romance, humor, insights, and a reminder that we are all privileged travelers in this world of wonder.

– Dan Miller, New York Times bestselling author of 48 Days to the Work You Love

Wheels of Wisdom offers the unique combination of being extremely readable and thought-provoking at the same time. Sharing in Tim and Debbie’s adventures leads one to consider how matters of everyday faith, preparation, decision-making, and perspective affect us not only in the moment, but throughout our lives.

– Dr. John Giannini, head men’s basketball coach at La Salle University

If you want to enjoy an engaging read while also being challenged to think about things bigger than yourself and beyond the next moment, then you’ve opened the right book.

– Dave Anderson, Director of Rescue for TheHopeLine on Wheels of Wisdom

I love the practical nature of this book. It has a great design, easy readability—it’s excellent! Wheels of Wisdom makes a wonderful devotional to do on your own or with a friend or small group.

– Constance Rhodes, founder and CEO of FINDINGbalance, Inc.

Tim and Debbie Bishop know better than just about anyone the power of bicycle travel—for the body and soul. As with their other cycling chronicles, Wheels of Wisdom offers plenty of sage advice for people at all stages of life and people who might turn to a trusty bicycle to help them make the next big transition. Whether you’re a beginner or veteran cyclist, this book has something for you.

– Jim Sayer, Executive Director of Adventure Cycling Association

It was a privilege to ride along the roads of life with the Bishops in Wheels of Wisdom! Their view of the world on two wheels gave a unique perspective of how God makes His presence known.

– Stacey Louiso, author, editor, and worship leader at

Inspiring, entertaining, and authentic, Wheels of Wisdom contains great lessons for anyone who is searching for answers to life’s questions.

– Kolinda King Duer, holistic health counselor, author, and singer/songwriter from College Grove, Tennessee

Thanks to Wheels of Wisdom, I vicariously enjoyed a bicycle tour without the blisters and the sore back. Tim and Debbie Bishop took me to states I never visited and showed me sights I’d never seen. I learned about God and myself. What a great adventure!

– Peter DeHaan, author and blogger at

Generous, kind, and caring: that’s how the Bishops live their lives. This book is infused with those wonderful traits. Not only are Tim and Debbie determined to grow through every experience and adventure in their lives, but they humbly share those lessons with us as if we were sitting across the kitchen table from them.

– Tim Altman, CEO of Dawson McAllister Association and TheHopeLine on Wheels of Wisdom

Charming townspeople, beautiful scenery, and exciting adventures set the stage for powerful life lessons in Wheels of Wisdom.

– Christie Hagerman, youth advocate, blogger, and former triathlete from Easley, South Carolina

If you have questions and concerns about your life, your relationships, and God, then read Wheels of Wisdom. It may change your outlook, answer some of your questions, and give you hope for a more meaningful life.

– Tom Nenadal, owner of Back from the Past Bicycles in Marshall, Missouri

Wheels of Wisdom captures some memorable experiences from the Bishops’ bicycling trips across America and intertwines those experiences with thought-provoking, impactful insights on living life with purpose and meaning. The authors present their life lessons with sincerity and conviction yet without being “preachy.” I highly recommend this enjoyable book for readers of all ages who want to improve their lives or reignite their passion for life.

– Timothy Streeter, IT lead analyst from Fulton, New York

Descriptive, passionate, and thought-provoking, Wheels of Wisdom will encourage and challenge readers with life-building lessons. I highly recommend this book for anyone who enjoys adventure, cycling, achieving goals, and finding hope for their lives.

– Lance Barry, call center manager and avid cyclist from Sioux Falls, South Dakota

In Wheels of Wisdom, Tim and Debbie Bishop share more than a love of cross-country cycling. They share a keen eye on life, philosophical reflections of trying experiences, and the valuable spiritual lessons they learned along the way. Travel along. When the ride stops, you’ll be different.

– Heather Randall, CEO of Christian Women Affiliate

Tim and Debbie Bishop’s “up close and personal” stories will delight you and make you gasp, smile, and grow misty-eyed as you explore America—and your own life—from the seat of a bicycle. This book will challenge, inspire, and encourage you.

– Patti Smith, executive administrative assistant from Milford, Ohio on Wheels of Wisdom

A refreshing read packed full of practical life lessons, Wheels of Wisdom, with its down-to-earth style, paints a fascinating picture of the cycling adventures of Tim and Debbie Bishop. Wherever you are in faith, this book asks soul-searching questions. Whether it is a life, relationship, or spiritual question, the Bishops share their answers gently and authentically and point to the source of all wisdom—God Himself.

– Karen Brits, housewife and mother from Northborough, Massachusetts

Tim and Debbie Bishop share God’s love and teachings through stories from their cross-country trips by bicycle. Wheels of Wisdom is a truly unique and exciting book that aims to make us all better people.

– Tim Malikowski, accounting professional from Hampden, Maine

We’re all travelers on a life journey and need help every now and then. Learn from this couple while you’re dreaming of new adventures, pondering about past travels, and living in the here and now. Inspiring, confronting, and uplifting!

– Henk-Jan van der Klis, project manager from Balkbrug, The Netherlands on Wheels of Wisdom. For full review, click here.

Stories in Wheels of Wisdom will inspire, encourage, and challenge you. The Bishops share openly their ups and downs, and teach, by example, how to apply one’s faith to everyday circumstances. Reading this book could be a life-changing experience for you whether you’re a cyclist or not.

– Ken Shirk, tax professional and avid bicycle tourist from Lebanon, Pennsylvania

Life’s adventures are better enjoyed with another in our life. Two Are Better: Midlife Newlyweds Bicycle Coast to Coast is a memoir of an adventure from Tim & Debbie Bishop who upon saying their vows left behind long established life to set out and see the entire world as they know it. Sharing their story of going across America in ten weeks by bicycle, they seek to inspire any other readers to see and experience the world on their journeys. Two Are Better is an insightful and charming read complete with full color photos throughout, very much recommended reading.

– The Midwest Book Review

If you’re not a cycling enthusiast, if you’re not particularly religious, if you’re not 50 or over…you can still enjoy and benefit greatly from reading Two Are Better. This is a motivational story of two 52-year-olds who embark on a couple of adventures at once…. This is more than a travel book or story of a romance. It’s sprinkled with life lessons about how – no matter your age – you can find a fresh start and a reason to go on…. Perhaps Tim sums up the message of the book best: “You only have so long to do what you are called to do. You don’t know when your window of opportunity will slam shut for good. So, get at it!” Good advice. But take time to read this book first.

– Valerie Porter, Author and Book Reviewer at “Valerie Talks Books,” for full review, click here or here.

First of all, let it be known that I am not a cycling fan, and outdoorsman, or anything else like that. But this story was absolutely riveting, inspiring, and absolutely delightful! It is much more than a cycling chronicle. This is a book that will remind you that when the opportunity comes to try something, don’t let it pass you by–do it now! You are not promised tomorrow after all…. I was never bored as I read their story, and it was even better that maps, pictures, and anecdotes were shared from the trip….

– Ruth Hill, Book Reviewer at “My Devotional Thoughts” on Two Are Better. For full review, click here.

This book is not simply a travelogue, but a reflection on undertaking a life-transforming journey at what most people consider middle age…. This is a great book for couples at any stage of their relationship, whether or not you’re planning an adventure….

– Lisa Lickel, Author and Book Review Blogger at “Living Our Faith Out Loud” on Two Are Better. For full review, click here.

A wonderful and inspiring travel memoir filled with faith, adventure, and love is awaiting you… While [I’m] not someone who is interested in cycling, that didn’t keep me from thoroughly enjoying Two Are Better…. The numerous photographs and this couple’s ability to share so much of themselves make this book a truly special reading experience. You simply can’t help but get caught up in their story. I feel as if I’ve journeyed the country right alongside them…

– Cheryl Malandrinos, Book Reviewer at “The Book Connection,” for full review, click here.

What you get is a first hand, up-close-and-personal account of the highs and lows of new starts and life lessons on the open road. …they soon found that what they expected was not always what they experienced…. If you are interested in bicycling, adventure or if you are wondering what God may have in store for the second half of your life, you should check out Two Are Better – a quick read with great insight. Recommended.

– Beckie Burnham, Book Reviewer at “By the Book,” for full review, click here.

Two Are Better is a wonderfully told story of Tim and Debbie’s adventure- both as cross country cyclists as well as a newly married couple!… There are many aspects of their book that I really enjoyed- from the beautiful photos to how Debbie would interject her own observations and thoughts providing a multi-dimensional perspective on life, marriage, and cross country cycling…. The book itself is very uplifting and inspirational…. The payout of this book as a reader is two-fold. First, it is a great travelogue of a journey across the country…. The second payout comes in the form of a wonderful inside view into the trials and celebrations of a new marriage….

– Kathy LaMee, Author and Book Reviewer for, for full review, click here.

This compelling and heart-warming story will have you laughing out loud…. The two have paired together to tell a story that is both transparent and enjoyable….

– Abbie Riddle, Blogger and Book Reviewer on Two Are Better. For full review, click here.

I loved the faith of these two souls. Tim and Debbie find each other and end up marrying at age 52. Just how they were put in the path of one another, warms my heart…. The book is chocked full of beautiful, and breathtaking photos…. I enjoyed this fast read, and lingered over the pictures of this wonderful, and eventful trip.

– Maureen Timerman, Blogger and Book Reviewer at Maureen’s Musings on Two Are Better. For full review, click here.

Great personal experience shared in this book and I think it will please a wide range of readers!…

– Dolores Ayotte, author, review posted to Amazon. For all Amazon reviews of Two Are Better, click here.

Tim and Debbie described scenery so well that I felt like I was traveling right along side them….

– Rhonda Nash-Hall, Retired Educator and Book Reviewer on Two Are Better, for full review, click here.

I was very surprised by this beautiful story on a newly married couple who bike rode from coast to coast. The book was filled with both life lessons and touching moments I really enjoyed. I laughed, I cried, and I cheered. It was well written and full of heart….

– Audrey, reader on Amazon. For all Amazon reviews of Two Are Better, click here.

With colorful pictures, exciting details and definitely some tense moments before and during the trip, Tim and Debbie prove that “Two Are Better” (while) including many important life lessons… This is one informative book filled with great advice for everyone and two people that are a total inspiration to everyone.

– Fran Lewis, Author, Educator, and Book Reviewer, for full review, click here.

Two Are Better is a thrilling tale of a cross-country bike trip sprinkled with life lessons and godly advice….I would highly recommend this book to everyone. The lessons you will learn, the advice you will get, and the thrill of the cross-country biking adventure all come together to form a well written, engaging, exciting book that will appeal to almost anyone.

– Chelsea Falin, Author and Freelance Writer, for full review, click here.

This book is has a little of everything from the discovery of love at midlife to the adventure of a cross country trip. It is heartwarming… If you like bicycle rides and want to be inspired this is a good one for you.

– Judy Shafer, Avid Reader and Book Reviewer on Two Are Better. For full review, click here.

Two Are Better succeeds on several levels. The Bishops share their deep appreciation of the American landscape and the people they met complemented by around 100 gorgeous photos. Instead of writing a detail heavy “how to” manual of cross country biking, they’ve included enough details and hints to send others in the right direction. Most importantly, Debbie and Tim write honestly about making their new marriage work sometimes under stressful circumstances and the strength and support they found in their long-held Christian faith.

– Chris Bergeron, Metrowest Daily News, 2/11/13

When I first picked up this book I thought I would just skim through it, but once I started reading it I couldn’t put it down. I read it cover to cover!! It was very interesting. Tim and Debbie were VERY BRAVE!!! I kept picturing myself doing this same sort of trek and I never imagined, until reading this book, how many unforseen incidents (that never even entered my mind) could crop up on a trip such as this. I felt like I was on the ride with them through the whole book.

– Sandy Newman, Personal Trainer on Two Are Better

I received Two Are Better for Christmas. What a great story of 2 adults riding bicycles cross country! I couldn’t put this book down. The adventure of the trip and the growth of their relationship kept me wanting to read on to see what was around the next corner. Tim and Debbie married at 52 yrs old and soon embarked on a life long dream of bicycling from the Pacific to the Atlantic Ocean. This story is geared to all ages. I look forward to their next book Bicycle Touring How-To: What We Learned. They have inspired me to try a week-long bike trip!

– Suzanne Richard

I strongly suspect that Tim and Debbie’s story will inspire you to reevaluate your own life story and to add your own elements of new meaning and purpose. Enjoy the journey!

– Dan Miller, Author and Life Coach, on Two Are Better

Two Are Better is a fun, inspirational book that reminds us that adventure can happen to us at any stage of life if we are willing to embrace it.  You will love Tim and Debbie as you get to know them. They share their story in such an open and downright honest way.

– Jill Hoyt, Homemaker and Avid Reader

Framed within a coast-to-coast biking odyssey with its daunting challenges lies a deeper and engaging view of discovering ourselves, our relationship with a loved one, spiritual connections, and answers to the nagging quest for juggling our priorities. In Two Are Better, Tim and Debbie Bishop challenge us to achieve a new dimension and focus in life by seeking our own odyssey. This couple’s courage and resolve to accomplish their goals will no doubt inspire you, but the fun in these pages is riding along with them. They even share their colorful, homey photography.

– Scott Emack, Retired English Instructor

This book is a real gem – you’re in for a rare treat! Two Are Better is a love story, a captivating journey, and an inspiring testimonial of faith… It also offers an edifying look at the wonderfully diverse people and cultures that comprise our country, as these newlyweds bike coast-to-coast. You’ll be intrigued by the variety and splendor of America’s geography as the Bishops depict it in colorful terms and brilliant photos. And you’ll receive double your pleasure as you absorb Debbie’s own refreshing perspective of the events, challenges, characters, and scenery Tim describes. Be prepared to have a hard time putting this one down.

– Mark Gries, National Development Director, Dawson McAllister Association

Tim and Debbie Bishop have written an honest look into their lives and launch of their new marriage. Two Are Better also makes a clear point that waiting for God’s best in all things is worth the wait, even a very long one.

– Tim Altman, CEO, Dawson McAllister Association

This book is from the heart–and an asset to cyclists who can not only learn, but relate. But mostly, Two Are Better is a tale of inspiration, courage, and dedicated love…You will love this story.

– Ken Goodin, Writer, Composer, and Musician

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