Open Road Press

Small Press United to distribute Open Road Press books

Effective January 2019, Small Press United, a division of Independent Publishers Group in Chicago, Illinois, became the distributor of Open Road Press books and e-books.

The deal with Small Press United opens up new opportunities for Open Road Press titles. Independent Publishers Group is the largest distributor of books for independent publishers. It offers an active sales presence and an extensive array of e-book resellers. Furthermore, its onsite digital press and its central location provide strategic benefits for publishers trying to maximize their reach in an extremely competitive industry.

Open Road Press currently has five titles to its credit, including Wheels of Wisdom, which received recognition in book award contests eight times, including first place in inspiration, devotional, Christian nonfiction, and Christian Inspirational. Thanks to the new deal with Small Press United, Open Road Press will soon unveil print editions for three books published previously only in e-book formats.